

3月16日深夜に発生した地震について、幸いにも本学では大きな人的被害の報告は受けておりません。一部の建物においては、被害が出ていることから速やかに復旧に向けた作業を進めております。 気象庁によると、今後一週間程度は同規模の余震に警戒するよう呼びかけていますので、皆さんもご注意ください。






[Message from Tohoku University]
March 18th, 2022

Dear international students,

  Regarding the earthquake that occurred on the night of March 16, luckily there were no human losses in the Tohoku University community. We are working to quickly repair the university facilities that were damaged. Ever since the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011, Tohoku University has striven to become a university that is resilient to natural disasters, especially earthquakes, and we will continue to do so.

  However, the Japan Meteorological Agency predicts that large aftershocks will occur for about a week, so please continue to exercise caution. Moreover, the press reports that it is unlikely that Tohoku Shinkansen (Bullet Train) service can be restored before the end of March. When making travel plans to come to Sendai, please check the latest information available.

  Finally, if you are suffering any difficulties in your studies or daily life, or anxiety, due to the earthquake, please do not hesitate to consult us, no matter how minor the issue.

Vice President of Tohoku University
Director, Advanced Graduate School
Global Learning Center Director
Masahiro Yamaguchi


学内・関係機関などのウェブサイト/Websites for relevant internal & external organizations

TU support

Center for Counseling and Disability Services

Japan Meteorological Agency

NHK world News

East Japan Railway Company

Sendai International Airport
