GLC Activity Reports

The Global Learning Center plans and conducts programs and activities related to studying abroad, language learning, international exchange, and international students. It also holds events such as seminars, lectures, and official ceremonies.


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July 16, 2024
【Report】Pre-departure Workshop for International Students

On Wednesday, July 12, 2024, the International Student Help Desk held a "Pre-departure Workshop for International Students" for students who will return to their home countries after completing their studies this summer.

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Yukiko Shimmi, Senior Assistant Professor
Global Learning Center
Tel: +81(0)22-795-3935
E-mail:shimmi*tohoku.ac.jp (please replace the "*" with "@")

July 16, 2024
【Report】The Second TUJP was Held in Person during the First Semester of FY2024

The Global Learning Center (GLC) is hosting four Tohoku University Japanese Programs (TUJPs), which are short-term student exchange programs, in the first semester of FY2024 in a face-to-face format. Thirty-nine students from the University of Sydney participated in the TUJP customized program (TUJP Sydney) from June 20th to July 9th.

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Yukiko Shimmi, Senior Assistant Professor
Global Learning Center
Tel: +81(0)22-795-3935
E-mail:tujp*grp.tohoku.ac.jp (please replace the "*" with "@")

June 21, 2024
【Report】STEM Summer Program (TSSP) 2024 has Started.

With the rainy season on the way and Summer just around the corner, you know what that means! Yes, the Tohoku University STEM Summer Program (TSSP) is back in session offering an immersive experience in cutting-edge science and engineering, Japanese culture, language and more.

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Student Exchange Division
E-mail:tssp*grp.tohoku.ac.jp (please replace the "*" with "@")

June 20, 2024
【Report】FGL Program Pre-enrollment Kickoff Event was Held Online!


On 17 June, the kick-off of the pre-enrollment education for prospective FGL students, who are entering Tohoku University this autumn, took place.

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Mott Derrick, Specially Appointed Associate Professor
Global Learning Center
mott.derrick.michael.b8*tohoku.ac.jp (please replace the "*" with "@")

June 19, 2024
【Report】The First TUJP was Held in Person during the First Semester of FY2024


The Global Learning Center (GLC) is hosting four Tohoku University Japanese Programs (TUJPs), which are short-term student exchange programs, in the first semester of FY2024 in a face-to-face format.

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Yukiko Shimmi, Senior Assistant Professor
Global Learning Center
Tel: +81(0)22-795-3935
E-mail:tujp*grp.tohoku.ac.jp (please replace the "*" with "@")