TUJP Online Winter 2021-2022

Tohoku University Japanese Program  東北大学日本語ショートプログラム

【News】時間割と講義概要 TUJP-Intermediate Timetable and Course Description


【Application Closed】TUJP-Intermediate  



Program Description プログラム概要

Discover the "Real" Japan from home 「リアルな日本」を自宅から体験しよう

Tohoku University Japanese Program (TUJP) Online is a 2-week online program designed to improve your Japanese proficiency and deepen your understanding of Japan.
The program consists of intensive Japanese lessons with many hands-on activities to practice Japanese. In addition, there are collaborative learning classes with local Tohoku University students and interactive lessons on traditional and modern Japanese culture and society. Local students will also make participants feel welcome as their “buddies,” and assist them during the program.

This program, tailored to meet your needs and interests, will help you discover the REAL Japan from home.


Report on Tohoku University Website "Cultural Fun on the Tohoku University Japanese Programme"





TUJP Online Winter 2021-2022 Pamphlet [PDF] (Updated as of August, 2021)


* Zoom will be used for the online class meetings.
* Google Classroom will be used as the learning management system.

We encourage you to prepare a device such as a computer (highly recommended), tablet, or smartphone, an internet connection (Wi-Fi and/or wired LAN recommended), webcam, microphone and download the Apps.



Schedule 日程

We are pleased to offer a variety of TUJP Online programs this winter.


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TUJP-Basic(入門~初中級) : Japanese Communication Program for basic learners

Date: November 8th to 19th, 2021 【2 weeks】

Time: 16:20-19:30 (JST)


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TUJP-Intermediate (中~上級): Academic Japanese Program for intermediate learners 


Date: February 7th to 18th, 2022 【2 weeks】

Time: 16:20-19:30 (JST)

For International Office Coordinators 大学ご担当者の方へ

We can also design customized programs upon request from your university!

◆  We can develop contents to enhance the skills/competencies that you want your students to acquire (e.g. Japanese speaking and listening, culture & lectures etc.). 

◆  Programs can be designed for 2 weeks or longer during November 2021 to March 2022.
◆  Please contact us if you have any questions: tujp@grp.tohoku.ac.jp



Eligibility 応募条件

 ■ Undergraduate or graduate students are eligible. Students from non-partner universities are eligible too. A transcript or certificate of enrollment at your university and contact information for the international affairs office at your university are required.


  English Language Ability(英語能力)

TUJP-Basic Eligibility(入門~初中級 応募条件)

  - Equivalent to TOEFL® iBT 70 or PBT 520 recommended.

  - Results from other internationally recognized English exam accepted (not required for native speakers).

*All classes and instructions are provided in English or Japanese.

*Note: TOEFL is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS). This product is not endorsed or approved by ETS.


■ Japanese Language Ability(日本語能力)


TUJP-Basic Eligibility(入門~初中級 応募条件)

You should have beginner/basic Japanese proficiency (Level 1 to 3 on the "Japanese Level Chart") and know hiragana and katakana. Vocabulary: 0 to 800 Japanese words, and 0 to 150 kanji.


TUJP-Intermediate Eligibility(中~上級 応募条件)

You should have intermediate or above Japanese proficiency. (Level 4 or above on the "Japanese Level Chart.") The classes will increase your Japanese abilities (word choice, explanation/description, speech/presentation, etc.) from intermediate to advanced. You will also attempt to pass the "Advanced" level of the OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview).
中級以上の日本語能力をお持ちの方を対象としています。(言葉の選択、説明・記述、スピーチ・発表などの日本語能力を中級から上級へと高めます。また、OPI(Oral Proficiency Interview)の「上級」レベルにも挑戦します。

 You must submit SPOT results. Please take your SPOT score into consideration when applying. However, the SPOT score is only an estimate. Even if your score does not meet the criteria for your desired level, you will not be disqualified from applying. The results are used to assign students to the appropriate classes. 応募の際は、SPOTテストの結果を提出してください。

“TTBJ/SPOT90” http://ttbj1.cegloc.tsukuba.ac.jp/apply/agree/ 


Japanese Level Chart クラスのレベル

Japanese Level




Grammar 90

Kanji SPOT50

Level 1 入門(Beginner)


Level 2 初級(Basic)

Level 3 初中級

Level 4 中級




Level 5 中上級



Level 6 上級(Advanced)






CEFR: Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

JFS: Standard for Japanese Language Education 

JLPT: Japanese Language Proficiency Test


Credits Awarded 取得単位

- On completing the 2-week program you can earn the equivalent of 3 ECTS *( TUJP Online: 2-week program ) 2週間のプログラム修了者は、3ECTS相当取得できます。

- If you join both TUJP Online Basic & Intermediate, you can earn the equivalent of 6 ECTS in total. TUJP-BasicとIntermediate、両方の修了者は合計で6ECTS相当取得できます。

* 1 ECTS is equivalent to 25 hours of work. ECTS(European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) is a credit exchange system used in the EU.

1ECTSは25時間の学習に相当します。ECTS(European Credit Transfer and Accumulation Systemヨーロッパ単位互換評価制度)とは、ヨーロッパ各国で共通に用いられる大学の単位制度です。


Fees 料金

TUJP-Basic : JPY 30,000 (approx. USD 280)
TUJP-Intermediate : JPY 30,000 (approx. USD 280)
We will send your application results on the dates of admission notification. This message will include the payment instructions.


  • *Valid Credit Card required: VISA, Mastercard, JCB, AMERICAN EXPRESS.
  • *It is possible to use a card which carries a name different from yours.
  • *A processing charge will be added. (JPY 950 , approx. USD 9)
  • *Program fee is non-refundable.




Curriculum カリキュラム

Most of the content will be delivered by real-time sessions. You will have many opportunities to interact with instructors and other participants.


Japanese Language Lessons 日本語学習

TUJP-Basic is designed for basic learners of the Japanese language. You will acquire the linguistic and cultural knowledge needed for getting around Japan and carrying out casual conversations with native Japanese speakers.
・TUJP-Intermediate is for intermediate learners of the Japanese language. By attending this program, you can boost your Japanese language level to an advanced speaking level.日本語中級者向けのプログラムです。このプログラムに参加することで、日本語レベルを上級者向けのスピーキングレベルに引き上げることができます。


Collaborative Learning & Interaction with Tohoku University Students 東北大学生との国際共修


Opportunities for international Collaborative Learning 

You can gain diverse perspectives and communication skills by working with students from Japan and other backgrounds in intercultural collaborative learning classes.異文化協働学習の授業で、日本や他の国の学生と一緒に活動することで、多様な視点やコミュニケーション能力を身につけることができます

  • In TUJP-Basic, you will join project-based learning (PBL) workshops in English.
  • In TUJP-Intermediate, you will have discussions with Japanese students in Japanese, supplemented by English. 中~上級クラスの日本人学生とのディスカッションは、日本語で行い、英語で補足します。


Buddy System

In addition, a local student at Tohoku University will become your “buddy,” and assist your learning during the program. You can also become familiar with Japanese culture and student life at a workshop with TU students.さらに、東北大学生があなたの「バディ」となって、プログラム中の学習をサポートします。また、東北大学生とのワークショップでは、日本の文化や学生生活にも触れることができます。


Lessons on Japanese Culture & Society 日本文化と社会に関する授業

You can learn about various aspects of Japan through lessons on Japanese culture and society. These lessons will be conducted in English for TUJP-Basic, and in plain Japanese for TUJP-Intermediate.日本の文化や社会に関する授業を通して、日本の様々なことを学ぶことができます。授業は、TUJP-Basicは英語で、TUJP-Intermediateはやさしい日本語で行われます。


◆ In addition to the class hours, you will be required to study outside of class for assignments and group projects etc. 授業時間に加えて、課題やグループプロジェクト等のために授業外での学習が必要となります。




Time TableCourse Description



Time TableCourse Description

(Subject to change)


TUJP Buddy Program TUJPバディプログラム


The "TUJP Buddy Program" will run online during this program. Each TUJP student will be matched with one or two local Japanese “buddy” students for cross-cultural exchange and interaction. After your buddy(s) contacts you by email, please start communicating with each other through online tools, such as email, Line, Zoom, Google Meet, and Skype.


We've advised your buddy to hold an online meeting at least once a week for 60 minutes and to respond to your email/SNS in addition to the online meeting. Please find time with your buddy for the online meetings. We believe that current students can help TUJP students by sharing their experiences, providing insights into university life, and responding to questions and concerns. It’s also a great way to make friends and practice Japanese!


Application 応募方法

The application process has been changed, so there is no need to nominate candidates. Individual students can now apply directly.



Fill out the application form and upload the necessary documents (max. 5MB in total) by the deadline.

If the application is completed successfully, an automatic message will be sent to your registered email address. 


Important Dates




Application Deadline


September 21st, 11:59 p.m. (JST)December 14th, 11:59 p.m. (JST)

Admission  Notification Date


September 28th

December 21st

Payment  Deadline

(Program Fee)



October 15th 11:59 p.m. (JST)

January 6th, 2022 11:59 p.m. (JST)


Required documents 提出書類

  Ⅰ.   A certificate of enrollment at your university or transcript from the previous academic year in English(在籍証明書もしくは成績証明書、英語表記のもの)

  Ⅱ.  Copy of photo ID, such as passport or student ID card (page with your photo)(パスポートもしくは学生証のコピー、写真のページ)

  Ⅲ. Copy of English language ability certificate and scores (for applicants of TUJP-Basic Only) (TUJP-Basic応募者のみ)英語能力証明書

  Ⅳ.  Result of online Japanese test:(日本語テスト結果)

        Please choose the SPOT90 + Grammar90 + 漢字SPOT50  Online Test 

        (Refer to the example score entry on the Application Form)

*Note that the results of an online Japanese test are used to balance the number of students in the appropriate classes.


We will share the participants list with the international affairs office at your university upon request. 

Privacy Policy (GDPR) プライバシーポリシー

Please visit the link below to read about Tohoku University's privacy policy:

Tohoku University Privacy Policy (PDF)


FAQ よくある質問


Find the answers to frequently asked questions


<Participation Eligibility  参加資格について>


Can students from non-partner schools participate?

Yes. TUJP Online Winter 2021-2022 is open to any student attending a university/graduate school even if it is not a Tohoku University partner school. We hope many students will take this opportunity to apply.


はい。TUJP Online Winter 2021-2022の期間は、大学・大学院の学生なら協定校以外にも開放いたします。ぜひこの機会にご応募ください。


Can students who have never studied Japanese participate?

Yes. Students who have never studied Japanese can participate in TUJP Basic, but they must master reading and writing both the hiragana and katakana characters by the start of the program.  They should study these on their own. The Japan Foundation website has self-study resources for learning hiragana and katakana. Japan Foundation Minato  https://minato-jf.jp/ 


TUJP Basicについては、日本語の学習歴がない場合でも参加は可能ですが、プログラム開始までに、少なくとも「ひらがな」・「カタカナ」については読み書きできておくことが必要です。自習をしてください。「ひらがな」・「カタカナ」の自習には、Japan Foundationの以下のリソースなどを利用してください。Japan Foundation 「みなと」https://minato-jf.jp/ 


<Classes  授業について>


Are all classes held in real time?

Yes. Almost all the classes are in real time. One of the strengths of this program is that students can interact with the instructors, participants and Tohoku University students.



How are absences handled?

In most cases, videos of classes will be available for students who miss a class, or want to review the class later. Students who miss a class can watch the video. However, classes heavily incorporate live discussions and interaction, so participating in real time is more effective. Students should avoid absences as much as possible in order to benefit from interactive learning. Also, students should notify the instructor in advance if they will be absent.

Handling of absences depends on the class instructor. The instructor may ask students to do make-up homework, such as watching the video of the class and writing a report about it. But, in some cases, the student's grade may be reduced due to the absence.




What are the grading criteria?

Japanese language classes account for 70% of the overall grade, while classes on Japanese culture, society, and international co-learning make up the remaining 30%. Grading standards vary slightly depending on the class, but are generally based on the student's level of participation, assignments, etc. Detailed grading criteria will be sent to successful applicants.



<Admission Process 事務手続きについて>


When will participants be chosen?

In about a month and a half. Once the details of the program are finalized, the selected participants will be sent admissions and payment instructions.




When and how will students receive their transcripts?

About a month and a half after the program concludes, each student will be sent a PDF file of their transcript. Those who need their transcripts more quickly should contact us.




What is ECTS?

 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) is a credit exchange system used in the EU. 1 ECTS is equivalent to 25 hours of work.


ECTS(European Credit Transfer and Accumulation Systemヨーロッパ単位互換評価制度)とは、ヨーロッパ各国で共通に用いられる大学の単位制度です。1ECTSは25時間の学習に相当します。

Contact コンタクト


Student Exchange Division

41 Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, 980-8576 Japan

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-12:30, 13:30-17:15

Tel: +81-22-795-3745

Email: tujp@grp.tohoku.ac.jp


Photo Gallery フォトギャラリー


  • TUJP2-1TUJP-2
  • TUJP-3TUJP-owarai1
  • TUJP-owarai3TUJP-owarai2
  • TUJP-3-4TUJP-2-2