Scholarships for International Students

Page Index

Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship

Monthly Scholarship (for Sendai City)

Student Category Monthly Stipend (JPY)
Undergraduate level Undergraduate student  119,000
Graduate level Research student 145,000
Master's student 146,000
Ph.D. student 147,000

In addition to the above, MEXT students who enter Tohoku University are exempted from the application fee, admission fee, and tuition fee at the university.


Scholarship Overview (external link)   

University Recommendation *October entrance only

The University Recommendation system allows universities to apply to MEXT for scholarships on behalf of outstanding international students who are newly arriving in Japan from countries that maintain diplomatic relations with the Japanese government.




December-January Application & Selection
July Result Announcement
Late September Arriving in Japan
October 1st Enrollment in Tohoku University

*Please check the graduate school website for information on the entrance examination schedule and requirements, which must be taken separately.

General Selection

The General Selection of MEXT scholarship is typically available only to graduate-level students. The application process may vary depending on the specific graduate school. If you have any questions, please contact the graduate school you are interested in. Please note that this selection may not be offered every year.

Graduate Schools   Courses Taught in English  Academic Research Staff  Tohoku University Scholars 

Special Selection

The following English programs at Tohoku University have been designated as 'Special Programs' with priority placement for MEXT scholarship students. Please visit the program website below for further details. 

Faculty/Graduate School

Special Program Website Degree Course
Undergraduate Science, Engineering and Agriculture Future Global Leadership Program FGL     Bachelor's
Graduate Science International Graduate Program for Advanced Science IGPAS  Master's
Dentistry Multimodal Global Leader Development Program in Dentistry Contributes to Realization of Society 5.0 Dentistry  Ph.D.
Engineering Social Infrastructure Management Course


Information Sciences Fostering Human Resources in New Interdisciplinary Fields in the Society 5.0 era NIFS  Master's
Education International Graduate Program in Global Education Studies I-GES  Ph.D.
Environmental Studies Extended International Environmental Security Leadership Program ExIESLP  Master's


If you have any questions before contacting a graduate school or program office, please contact here and include the following information.

 - Your field of study
 - The graduate school you are interested in
If applicable, also include:

 - The name of the faculty member you have contacted or wish to contact
 - The specific program you are interested in

Embassy Recommendation


Embassy recommendation selections for both the graduate and undergraduate levels are conducted by the Japanese diplomatic missions in each country and MEXT. For details, please contact a embassy or consulate in your country. 


 A List of Japanese Diplomatic Missions (external link) 


MEXT students recommended by the embassy may participate in a six-month Intensive Japanese Language Program as research students upon arriving in Japan, prior to beginning their research activities in their respective labs. Even if they choose to start their research immediately after enrolling at Tohoku University as degree course students or research students, they may still take Japanese language courses based on their language proficiency while engaging in lab activities. After obtaining permission for a provisional acceptance letter, they can discuss with their prospective supervisor whether the six-month Japanese program is necessary for them.

Those who have passed the first screening at a Japanese diplomatic mission may take a look at the instruction below and initiate the application process for obtaining a provisional acceptance letter.


How to obtain a Letter of Provisional Acceptance
Please refer to the PDF file below and follow the instructions to complete your application.


Instruction (English) Instruction (Japanese)  

Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship
for Privately-Financed International Students

Self-financed international students may be eligible for scholarships Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship by Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).


Monthly Scholarship

Undergraduate/Graduate Student:

JPY 48,000/month for 12months (April-March) or 6 months (October-March)


Scholarship Overview (external link)   

The Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques’ External Scholarship Program

Tohoku University may issue a conditional acceptance letter to Saudi students who meet the university's criteria. The application procedure is available below. Please research the entrance examination details, as well as the exact names of the faculty/graduate school and major/department, on the university's website. Incomplete or incorrect information may result in your request not being processed. Please note that Tohoku University does not provide preparatory Japanese language education for the Scholarship students.



Other Financial Aid

Scholarships Provided by Private Foundations in Japan

Some private foundations or other organization in Japan offer scholarships for international students. These scholarships vary with regards to recruitment procedures, eligible fields of study and amount. Some may be granted before admission, but in many cases, application shall be made through Tohoku University after admission.

Please refer to the following brochure for the detail of scholarship by private foundations etc.

Scholarship Leaflet 2024-2025 (external link)   

Fee Waivers
Degree students who find it difficult to pay the admission fee and/or tuition for economic reasons may be granted a waiver on application and screening. Please note that not all applicants are exempted from tuition fee.
* Non-degree students are not eligible for the waivers.

Financial Support for PhD Students
Tohoku University newly established 2 projects to improve PhD students’ research environment and to dispel the anxieties about the economic conditions, by offering the monthly stipend and research grant. Since these projects are carried out with assistance from national funding, the support period and content may change depending on national policy. Please visit here for further details.