Following up on last summer’s programs, the Global Learning Center (GLC) held three Tohoku University Japanese Programs (TUJPs), which are short-term student exchange programs, in the second semester of FY2023 in a face-to-face format. 56 students from TU’s partner universities in Singapore, Australia, China, and Hong Kong participated in TUJP Winter 2023 in December. 14 students, mainly from National Chung Cheng University in Taiwan, participated in a customized TUJP this January. 26 students from TU’s partner universities in China, Germany, Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Australia participated in TUJP Spring 2024 in February and March. Through these programs, the students improved their Japanese language skills and deepened their understanding of Japan and Tohoku University.
In the first semester of FY2024, we are preparing to offer four TUJPs in total, including two standard programs, one customized program, and one special program.