This year, like last year, the Tohoku International Suzume Odori Team, created as part of a Tohoku University international co-learning class titled "Understanding Japan through Miyagi's Traditional Culture," participated in the Sendai Aoba Festival. This year's festival, held May 14 to 15, marked the 32nd time the festival has been held.
"All of the people, the visitors as well as the dancers, put so much energy in this festival, everything was so nicely decorated and I totally enjoyed being there!" said Thomas Bauer, an exchange student from the University of Vienna. Mourene Iga Farriny, an exchange student from the University of Indonesia remarked: "It might be a precious once-in-a-life-time experience. Thank you for everyone involved!" Through the Suzume Odori (sparrow dance), the students who participated were able to build a deeper connection with the city of Sendai, and fully experience a Japanese festival.
Our deepest thanks to everyone who turned out to support us!
2016 Activity Reports
[Report] Tohoku International Suzume Odori Team at Aoba Festival
- Contact
- Tohoku University Institute for Excellence in Higher Education
Global Learning Center
Senior Assistant Professor Kaori Shimasaki
Tel: 022-795-3749