On December 1, 2020, the first online short program, "Tohoku University Japanese Program (TUJP) Online," began its first phase.
TUJP, which started in 2013, enables students to study Japanese language and culture, take classes in specialized subjects, experience the culture of the Tohoku region, and interact with Tohoku University students.
The first online version of TUJP in 2020 will consist of two phases, the first from December 1-14, 2020 and the second from January 13-February 2, 2021.
Twenty-four students from our academic exchange partners in Singapore, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Taiwan are participating in the first phase of the program.
On the morning of December 1, the first day of the program, an orientation was held and the two-week program started with a video tour of Tohoku University's campus and friendly self-introductions.
2020 Activity Reports
[Report] Tohoku University Japanese Program (TUJP) Online has started
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