The Humans of Minamisanriku project was conducted in the town of Minamisanriku as a collaboration between Tohoku University students and students from Baylor University (USA), which one of Tohoku University's partner schools, who visited in July.
Inspired by "Humans of New York," the "Humans of..." project showcases fascinating individuals from various countries and regions around the globe. Following that project's pattern, the students set out to introduce the beautiful town of Minamisanriku, and its wonderful residents, to the world. They interviewed four people from Minamisanriku about the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake, the reconstruction efforts, the future of the town, and its attractions. They then compiled the interviews into a powerful video.
2018 Activity Reports
[Report] “Humans of Minamisanriku” Project with Baylor University
- Contact
- Kaori Shimasaki, Senior Assistant Professor
Global Learning Center
Tohoku University Institute for Excellence in Higher Education
Tel: +81 (0)22 795 3749
Email: k.shimasaki* (Please replace * with @)