Cooperative Laboratory Study Program



The Cooperative Laboratory Study Program (COLABS) is a research-oriented and graduate-level program. COLABS provides international graduate students with opportunities to take part in scientific research trainings in English to increase their abilities which will lead them into new discoveries through unique science activities. A wide range of research topics in all fields of the natural sciences are available. Tohoku University strongly believes that the COLABS program enables to build up great international academic relationships with the partner universities of the world.

COLABS consists of two courses;
Core Course (*required)
- Individual Research Training in Lab (IRTLab)

Elective Course
- Offered by the relevant Graduate School
 (i.e. Specialized Subjects etc.)

- Offered by JYPE
 (i.e. Japanese Culture, Japanese Language etc.)

COLABS students are eligible to take classes in English as elective courses along world-class research trainings in the IRTLab.

- COLABS students are non-degree seeking students enrolled under the status of Special Research Student at Tohoku University.
- The exchange duration of COLABS is either one or two semester(s).


Each semester consists of 15 weeks of course work.

Core course (IRTLab):
COLABS students can earn 12-30 ECTS(*) equivalent for each semester by participating in research activities.
*European Credit Transfer System

Elective Courses:

Two Tohoku University credits (TU credits) are to be given per course (90min.) in general.

Completion Requirements:

- Completing 30 ECTS equivalents in the IRTLab per semester
- IRTLab Presentation

- Total earned TU credits can be subject to be transferred to a student’s home university in accordance with their credit transfer policies.
- One TU credit is equivalent to 45-hour of study time.
- Certificate of completion and academic transcripts will be sent to each home university of successful COLABS students.
- COLABS students are not required to complete a thesis, however, the IRTLab activities can be a part of a master/doctoral thesis. (*permission needed from an assgined academic advisor)

1. Courses Offered in Academic Year
2. Course Description of Individual Research Training in Lab 
3. Related Graduate Schools and Research Activities for IRTLab
4. Academic Calendar for COLABS
5. Past Theme Titles of IRTLab



COLABS applicant must be:

- a full-time registered degree seeking student, during participating in COLABS, at graduate level with excellent grades at the home university which has a partnership agreement with Tohoku University
- remained as a full-time registered degree seeking student at graduate level at the home university after completing the COLABS program at Tohoku University

How to Apply

Please refer to the following page for details. 

COLABS Application Procedures


*Please note that only the COLABS program requires prior consent from the TU prospective academic advisor.

Students Voice

Jarmo SEPPAELAE, Aalto University (Finland) - Graduate School of Information Sciences

Janis SCHEFFEL, Technische Universität Dortmund (Germany) - School of Engineering

Martin Roland STEINEL, Saarland University (Germany) - Graduate School of Science

Yunxiang XIA, Yangzhou University (China) - Graduate School of Medicine

Christian FLEINER, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) - Graduate School of Information Sciences

Vivian WONG, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (France) - School of Engineering

Lara NISEL, Technical University of Berlin (Germany) - School of Engineering

Intan Puspa WANGI, Bandung Institute of Technology (Indonesia) - School of Engineering

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Tohoku University Student Exchange Division

41 Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi, 980-8576 JAPAN
[Office Hours]
Monday-Friday 8:30-12:30, 13:30-17:15