Learning in Diversity


TUSTEM (Tohoku University STEM Student Network) is an international exchange organization founded in 2018 to foster mutual exchange between Japanese and international students in undergraduate and graduate STEM curricula. It plans and hosts events and exchange conferences related to science and engineering in addition to assisting with Tohoku University’s international STEM programs (FGL, COLABS, JYPE, TSSP).

What is TUSTEM

Tohoku University has many excellent STEM students, such as winners of the Science Olympics, from across the globe! However, interactions among the STEM students are unfortunately not active due to a heavy load of classes and laboratory work. In order to enhance interactions in the STEM student community, we have established an international exchange organization, TUSTEM (Tohoku University STEM Student Network).


Academic Dinner

Every month at Aobayama Commons [Because of the COVID-19 situations, it is currently held online.]
At “Academic Dinner” TUSTEM members give presentations about their research in a casual atmosphere.

Language Exchange

[Usually dinner time on every other week at ZOOM]
We have language exchange events to help study English and Japanese for students.
Through discussions and other activities, the participants improve their language skills and deepen friendships.

Weekend Activity

[2~3 times a month]
We organize both social and academic events every month.
Social events: Potluck party, Barbecue, Fireworks, Picnic, IMONI, Trip to Zao, etc. [Because of the COVID-19 all social events were canceled.]
Academic events (a few times a semester): Coffee with Carl Wieman/Sato-Okoshi/Kimberly Tanner/Hiroshi Ishii, etc.

TUSTEM Leader *

Job Description

To prepare and organize events
We organize(plan) events to promote interactions among TUSTEM members.
e.g., Planning about events among leaders via SNS media and/or meetings, Booking venues, Advertising, Organizing/Facilitating

To help university’s events for international students in various programs *
e.g., Assisting the pre-enrollment education for FGL prospective students, final presentation session by international students, summer schools, etc.


No specific skill is required to become a TUSTEM leader. However, you must have the motivation and show commitment and responsibility for the job.
e.g., Attending meetings and events as much as possible, and being responsive promptly to TUSTEM leader’s messages.

*: A TUSTEM leader will be hired as an Administrative Assistant (AA) of Tohoku University and may be paid by the university when you assist a university’s event as a TUSTEM leader.