Intercultural Collaborative Learning
Intercultural Collaborative Learning aims to foster mutual understanding among students from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. In this section, we will introduce the advantages of the international collaborative classes that Tohoku University offers, the international collaborative learning project “ICL-Channels,” which Tohoku University coordinates with partner universities in Japan, and the online APRU VSE course program offered by universities abroad.
Intercultural Collaborative Learning (ICL) at Tohoku University
What kind of classes are offered?
What is the ICL Support Staff?
Each year, Tohoku University offers many classes that incorporate ICL, mainly in the General Education curriculum. When planning what classes to take, please refer to the list of ICL classes and syllabuses. Older students who assist with collaborative learning, known as "ICL Support Staff," help first-time participants learn in ICL.
ICL Project Office: icl-admin*grp.tohoku.ac.jp
(please replace the “*” with “@”)

ICL Course List
The following is a list of courses that incorporate intercultural collaborative learning activities in "General education - International Education" courses offered at Tohoku University.

ICL Supporters
ICL Supporters act as facilitators between instructors and students in ICL classes to assist learning. There is information on the ICL Supporters’ activities on the “Intercultural Collaborative Learning website” below. Please take a look!

You can participate in ICL offered by domestic partner universities!
Acceleration of Internationalization through ICL-Channels “ICL-Channels” is a project, administered by Tohoku University, to develop online ICL with participating Japanese universities. It aims to support ICL activities through collaboration within the consortium.

Co-curricular Programs
What is APRU VSE Co-curricular Programs?
The Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), an inter-university consortium of which Tohoku University is a member, offers VSE Co-curricular Programs. VSE Co-curricular Programs are non-credit bearing online events, activities, workshops and any other kind of programs that promote opportunities for students to learn, experience and exchange with peers from around the world. Every student at Tohoku University is eligible to take the program free of charge. For more information about the program and other details, please see the link.